Launched in 2012, Kang is a collaborative online platform that connects individuals and professionals with freelancers. The marketplace, where freelancers can share and monetize their expertise, know-how, and advice in areas such as digital services, legal advices, web marketing, graphic design, astrology, or translation, has sustained an uninterrupted 20% yearly growth since launch. Truffle Capital invested in Kang as part of its strategy to support fintech innovation with potential for both high capital gains and transformative market impact.
During this long-term collaboration, Kang and its historical investor Truffle Capital capitalized on the Kang team's extensive knowledge and deep experience in mobile payments along with Truffle’s strong fintech expertise, with a singular focus on a central goal: launch an advice and skill sharing marketplace built around a proprietary payment platform.
Today, Kang counts more than 500,000 users and 3,000 professionals. Kang’s seamlessly integrated platform emerged as a critical differentiator in the company’s market leadership in France, Italy, and Spain. In 7 years Kang increased its revenue from 0 to 17M€ while achieved sustain profitability.
Truffle Capital, an investment fund with fintech expertise, announces that it entered into a definitive agreement to sell its majority stake in Kang to adviqo Group. This transaction, which was conducted in full cooperation with Kang and its Founders, allows Truffle Capital to leverage its fintech expertise in crystalizing the value generated from this collaboration, and thus to realize around 2.5x its original investment.
Bernard-Louis Roques, Co-Founder and CEO of Truffle Capital, stated: “In our strategy of supporting fintech innovation, we’ve been pleased to go along with Kang’s management team toward their journey and to support the company’s growth with our fintech expertise. Kang’s success in implementing a full stack of agile payment services in their platform exemplifies the “invisible payment” trend, with payment being seamlessly intregrated into more and more vertical services.” "Entrepreneurs like the Kang team are a rare breed, successful in building companies of lasting value with sustained growth and positive societal impact," added Mark Bivens, representing Truffle as a Board Partner in Kang.
Nicolas Grumbach, Founder and CEO of Kang : “We believe in the age-old quote - The best way to predict the Future is to create it.”
Tarek Kessler, CEO of Adviqo Group: “Kang’s proven track record of delivering quality advice and content as well as developing new geographies makes for an excellent fit with the adviqo Group family of brands. We are building a world-class digital company and believe Kang can help us reach the next level.”