• Feedback received from the US and European regulatory agencies, both supporting the advancement ABX464 into a phase 3 clinical program in ulcerative colitis (UC), final preparations for the launch of the program are ongoing
• Primary endpoint met with excellent efficacy and safety results of once-daily oral ABX464 in a phase 2b induction study, confirmed by additional long-term data of phase 2a and 2b UC open-label maintenance trials
• Primary endpoint met in a phase 2a study in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, good safety and short- as well as long-term efficacy of 50mg ABX464 once-daily oral administration confirmed by phase 2a induction and one-year maintenance results
• Promising results of the dose escalation phase of ABX196 phase 1/2 study in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) presented at ASCO GI Cancers Symposium
• Financing of EUR 85M secured in 2021 by the pricing of an oversubscribed capital increase of EUR 60M and convertible bonds of EUR 25M
• Cash resources fund operations until the end of Q3 2022
Read the press release for more information